Richie Muenster (Rich Sigfrit, Podcasting’s Rich Sigfrit) – Streamer, Podcaster, Artist, MC, Professional Chuckle Generator
I’m a Whovian, Star Wars fan, and is known to watch the occasional episode of the Handsome Brothers Ghostbusting Power Hour known as Supernatural. You’ve probably seen me at a con as the Master of Ceremonies or on a panel about podcasting (I starting podcasting in ’03, for Pete’s sake!). You may have seen my alter ego, Richie Muenster on a burlesque stage as an emcee for Creativity Out Of Context (an art collective I co-founded with Sarah Jynnx), the Succubus Sorority, The Riot Kittens and formerly of Nerd-Vana, NC Performers Society and Vaudevillain Revue (I keep my clothes on, I’ve read the petition). I am the current reigning 3rd place champion of SparkCon’s Pun Tournament, like long walks on the beach and my turn-ons are metal bikinis, goth girls and Nathan Fillion.